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Dave Reynolds' Profile


Dave Reynolds

Social Studies

profile pic

Contact Info:

Work Phone:

488-2421 (ext. 1138)

Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

I graduated from Douglass High School and eventually Emporia State University.

Degrees and Certifications:


I have a Bachelor of Science in Education (Social Studies), and a Master of Science degree in Learning Disabilities.  Both from Emporia Sate University.

Current Position:

I have been teaching at Belle Plaine for over a quarter of a century.  I spent over 20 years in the middle school before moving up to the high school.  I currently teach World Studies and U.S. History courses at BPHS.flag pic

Family Information:

 My wife, Traci, is also a teacher at Belle Plaine.  She teaches in the Middle School.  All 3 of my children have attended Belle Plaine schools.  My oldest son, Cullen, graduated from B.P.H.S. in 2017.   My daughter, Mallory, will be a Sophomore, and my youngest son, Nolan, will be in 8th grade for the 2017-2018 school year.

  Traci pic


Personal Information:

whistle picWhen I am not teaching, I spend a lot of time after school coaching.  I am currently coaching middle school football, and high school track.  


I also enjoy spending time with my family, traveling and camping during the summer, and teaching my children to hunt and appreciate the great outdoors.

Route 66   Nolan fish

colorado horses Colorado trail

Dave Reynolds

Upcoming Events

Contact Dave Reynolds

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
488-2421 (ext. 1138)